Grace Point's Daily Bible Reading is designed to serve you in your growth with Christ. You can be flexible in how you use it, but be sure to develop a healthy habit of spending time daily with the Lord.
Some have asked, “When is the best time for my devotions? In the morning or the evening?”
Our answer to that is, “The best time is when you are at your best!” If you’re a morning person, do your devotions in the morning. If you’re an evening person, do your devotions at night. The bottom line is: “Jesus deserves your best, so give Him the best part of your day!”
So, grab a pen and a journal, your phone with YouVersion, or a printed Bible, and get ready for God to speak into your life and begin to shape you in new ways.
Monthly Bible Reading Plans
Download a PDF of each month's Bible Reading plan if you prefer a printed copy.
Kids Monthly Bible Reading Plans
Download a PDF of each month's Bible Reading plan and put it in your kiddos Bible.
At Grace Point, we use the S.O.A.P. method of Bible reading. It’s a simple formula to follow as you read any passage of scripture. Start by praying and ask God to speak to you as you read the Bible, then jump into the S.O.A.P. method.
S – Scripture
Read the Bible passage for the day.
O – Observe
Observe what is happening in the passage. Who is speaking? Who is being spoken to? What is the context? What things stand out to you? What questions do you have as you read? Write down your observations to help you form your thoughts about this passage.
A – Application
How does this passage apply to your life today? What do you need to do to implement what you have observed in your life? What needs to change in your life because of what you have read?
P – Prayer
Talk to God and ask for His help, His power, to apply this scripture to your life. Pray and listen for God to speak to you about what you have just read and how it applies to your life. Pray and thank God for the things He is teaching you through His word.